Hewlett Packard Granny Geek

Living proof that old dogs can learn new tricks. As an Administrative Assistant/Mom/Grandma, sharing comedy in the life/workplace ranks next to keeping a supply of chocolate on hand at all times. After all, laughter is the best medicine. Or is it chocolate? Or maybe an ice cold beer? At this point, I'm thinking sleep....

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Granny Geek

OK, being the geek that I am, having been assimilated by my job, friends and husband, I'm sitting in bed writing a blog on my really cool HP 8240 laptop. I really love the wide screen and with the large font settings I can actually see (My Grandma, what big eyes you have. The better to see what I'm writing!)
So what's it like learning to be a geek at this age? I think some people are born that way. Then there are the people who become assimilated by their environment. In my case I got a job here at Hewlett Packard. Twelve years ago I was a country bumpkin, local EMT, playing city league softball, raising kids, volunteering in their school, even driving the school bus. Then life threw some hardballs and I was on my own, education consisting of teletype machines and manual typewriters. Hmm...what's a girl to do? Thankfully I had wonderful friends who helped me get my life on track. I started working for the Forest Service at the front desk, then fighting forest fires (that's a whole different blog), working on laying out logging sales, and eventually a contract job at Hewlett Packard. Even though I used a computer at the Forest Service it was nothing compared to working with an HP computer. My first contract job was working with some great ladies in the Response Center. That is where when anything goes wrong you call 5-FAST. Basically we were Mom's for a bunch of adults. I'm not kidding. We actually would get calls asking us what to do when someone dropped their pager in the toilet, or they dropped their coffee cup and it broke, or could we find someone to carry a piece of paper from upstairs to downstairs or could someone come and get their bracelet out of the wall heater (never did figure out how they did that?). That was back when the stock was over $100 and there were over 10,000 people on site. I loved it there because it was like a big family. I was making good money and could support my daughters, sort of. That was 12 years ago....now the stories I could tell. But I want to make you laugh and be thankful for what you have now so.....


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